Monday, October 26, 2009


I saw this short video about a family in living in the southern California suburbs who had transformed their yard into a sustainable was so inspiring.  To watch this 8 minute video go here: the simple life.

I just expanded my garden areas where we are growing food.  I am going to jam pack as many plants into this area as I can.  I am also going to try starting more plants from seed.  No photos yet, but the above one is of swiss chard and kale grown by a neighbor.  I hope mine gets this big!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

go green blog

My blog is now featured on an informational directory of a website called "GoGreen."

How fun.

I wrote this blog, my second one, in hopes of inspiring people to live a more green lifestyle.  If this helps get the word out more, GREAT.  Please check out:

This is my other blog, All of Us:

We did a little traveling this summer and found in the European countryside, and even the cities, that green living is everywhere.  People had vegetable gardens, everyone was recycling, and many people hung their clothes on the line to dry.

Green living is everywhere.  Even in Italy!

And even in France!