Sunday, May 24, 2009

the joy of greens

Thursday night dinner: Chicken sauteed with greens and olive oil, garlic, onions, ginger and a pinch of salt.
Annabel's comment, well actually a proclamation:
"The greens in here are amazing! Taste them and you'll keel over with delight."


gardenmama said...

Yum, your pictures look great!
And what a wonderful proclamation!!
I love when my children take delight in the veggies we have grown, or the things we cook, or make what great memories and lessons that "we can do it ourself" and do not always need to buy from the store...

Francesca said...

I just discovered that you have two blogs. How do you do it?!?

outi said...

i wish i would have a garden like you too! all these photos full of green, herbs, salads, tomatoes..
maybe one day:)

Leciawp said...

that is so great!

Leanne said...

I love that!! I spy some kale there too...yum!